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Cugini Soccer International

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Jan, 2017

What is your Target Date?

Off Season goals are important and looking forward to competing during the season keeps the athlete motivated to continue to prepare to compete.  What level of committed are you?  Looking to be "in shape" for the start of the season or do you have a target?  I challenge you to define a TARGET DATE.  For club soccer, it may be a big showcase in March or a National League event, or even an ID Camp.  Track might be your conference meet or regional championships.  Football has ID camps in the spring and college camps for the summer.  Whatever your sport, FIND YOUR TARGET.  Commit to train and erase any doubt that you will BE READY.  Strong, Fast, Athletic. Conditioned.

Email your TARGET DATE to Kris Lewandoski.  We will build your build your training plan use Performance Groups to train: strength, power, speed, and conditioning.